Davis Community Garden

There has been a lot of debate on what is considered an ugly garden. Personally, I think gardening is about function. A garden bursting with plants and vegetables is beautiful even if the tomato cages are sagging and the bean t-pee is made out of broken sticks. I can appreciate the beautiful landscaped gardens of Rosalind Creasy and a utilitarian garden made out of old car tires and chicken wire. I recently split a gardening plot with a friend at the Davis Community Garden. We have very different gardening styles but I think it’s a great opportunity to learn and try new things.
The Davis Community Garden is a great example of how different gardens can be. People who have a plot here come from all different backgrounds and all of them have their own gardening aesthetic.
Right now, the community plot is in a transition phase. A number of plots were left alone during the winter months and people are just coming out to start their spring and summer gardening. This particular community garden doesn’t have many rules. They do not want any herbicides or non-organic pesticides. However, people can have poles, cages, and odd props for their plants. The plots all vary greatly. Plots might have rows, raised beds, or fencing. A few people use mulch, straw, or grow their plants freely amongst the weeds. There is one individual who created an elaborate trellis for wine grapes. When I here like to walk around and see what everyone is growing and get ideas for my own garden.
Davis Community Garden





3 responses to “Davis Community Garden”

  1. Julie Avatar

    I would find it very interesting to see what everyone is doing! Beautiful photos!!!

  2. MrBrownThumb Avatar

    I think the way people make their community garden plots their own is my favorite thing about visiting community gardens. I love the little white fence in the background of one the pics. It isn’t going to keep anyone, or any critter out, but it says that the gardener(s) consider it their own. Love that.

  3. Frank Schulte-Ladbeck Avatar

    I wish that I could have such an experience. I have to check out some community gardens in my area. Mainly, I just connect with local farmers at the market. Personally, any garden that the owner enjoys has great beauty for me.

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