June Bloom Day

Summer has finally arrived and we just survived our first heat wave of the summer. Luckily the temperatures stayed below 100 degrees but it was also incredibly windy. After two days of strong wind and heat the spring flowers were little beat up and droopy. Here are some of my survivors.

“Emily” Dahlia– I’m not normally a pink person but this Dahlia was hard to resist especially since I have a niece also named Emily. It’s looking a little ratty after three days of hot humid weather.
Mexican Oregano– This herb is great for cooking but it can’t be grown from seed. Sadly, after two attempts I still haven’t any luck with cuttings for my friends. Will have to try again soon.

Berkley Tye Die Tomato– I have lots of green tomatoes and flowers. Here’s hoping the warmer temperatures will finally bring me some fresh tomatoes. This year is going to be an interesting one for the summer vegetables. It stayed so cold at night that I had to wait until end of May to plant my tomatoes when normally I’m rushing to plant them in mid-April.


This huge Coreopsis was from a wildflower seed packet. It took it two years to bloom and now it won’t stop.


If you would like to see more Bloom Day Posts or want to contribute your own visit May Dreams Garden.





2 responses to “June Bloom Day”

  1. Julie Avatar

    Those Marguerites are adorable…and such a sweet color!!! Nice vegies in your last post as well!!! YUM!!!

  2. Melody Avatar

    Coreopsis are great plants. I cut mine back when they finish blooming and drop the seedheads wherever I want more and soon I have another patch. If you cut them back they will rebloom. If the starts looking ragged, I cut them back to the ground and they will come back up and keep blooming.

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