Garden Bloggers Bloom Day for October

The calendar may say it’s October but the weather is making it feel like July. It was in the low to mid nineties this past week. The garden is going through a transition phase. Since it’s been so hot I haven’t had the heart to remove all of the summer plants to make room for the winter ones. There are a lot of different shades of red, yellows and oranges. However, I have added some interesting plants with tones of pink and black for fun.

While taking pictures for bloom day, I was surprised by the amount of yellow and orange flowers are in the garden.

African Marigold Tagetes Erecta, I grew these from seed and were surprised by how tall and full they got.
African Marigold.




Here is one of my Halloween decorations. The store labeled these black and blue violas as “Halloween” but I’m pretty sure their real name is Bowles Black Viola Cornuta.


This mum is left over from another Halloween project. It’s now taller than I am and pretty soon my back fence will be filled with bright red maroon flowers.


Luckily not all of the flowers are yellow and orange. The Marguerite Daisies are waiting for the cooler weather to kick in.



Ptilotus Exaltatus ‘Joey’ (Pink Pussy Tails) This is a drought tolerant plant originally from Australia. I’ve nearly killed it by over watering it. It seems to thrive on neglect.


More Garden Bloggers Bloom Day posts can be found at May Dreams Gardens.





One response to “Garden Bloggers Bloom Day for October”

  1. s Avatar

    Nice post! I almost bought that Ptilotus this spring, but wasn’t sure what it’s requirements are…glad to see it thrives on neglect…I’ll have to keep an eye out for it next year 🙂

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