Perfect Soup for a Rainy Day

We got a nice little rain storm this Friday and Saturday. I love a good rainy weekend. It’s perfect excuse to drink a warm beverage and cuddle under a blanket while listening to the rain. It’s really starting to feel like fall and it’s a welcome change after a long dry summer.

Rainy Saturday

Of course the perfect compliment to a rainy weekend is nice bowl of homemade soup. We tried 101 Cookbook’s recipe for Rustic Potato Chowder and it was amazing. The recipe can be found here. I’ve been finding some great soup recipes online recently and I’m not sure which to try next. But with rain in the forecast I’ll be exploring a new one soon.

Rainy Saturday soup






8 responses to “Perfect Soup for a Rainy Day”

  1. Katie Avatar

    I love bread bowls+soup! Thanks for the recipe.

  2. Amanda Avatar

    Thanks so much for sharing… it looks great!

  3. Julie Avatar

    OMG…this looks fantastic!!! I can’t wait to try it! Cute bread bowls!!! Soup and rain just go together, don’t they??? I was just talking to my husband about making some homemade tomato soup, just tonight!

  4. Karen Avatar

    We are big leek & potato fans, but have never tried bread bowls. Super cute!

  5. Shibaguyz Avatar

    Rainy weekend as well here… go figure… Fall in Seattle. To accompany the perfect Fall rain, we made potato leek soup today from ingredients found at our local farmers market. The leftovers will last this week. You just answered our question for what to make next week!! WOOHOO!! What a great recipe… thanks for sharing.

  6. Cherry Avatar

    thank you for not only a beautiful looking soup but it sounds yummy also ..
    My only wish is I had it right here, right now .. Cherry

  7. ambika Avatar

    That recipe sounds delicious.

    The rain has arrived here as well–after an unprecedented amount of sunshine for October. It honestly looks like it’s dusk all day so I’m already sighing at the sight of it. Ah well–winter in the Northwest.

  8. nkristis Avatar

    Katie: Thanks we got the bread from the Nugget and it was tasty.

    Amanda: Thanks, it’s good to hear from you.

    Julie: Yes, there is nothing better than a big bowl of soup on a rainy day.

    Karen: Yes, I love potato and leek soup we make that one rain or shine.

    Shibaguys: That’s great, your farmer’s markets sound amazing.

    Cherry: Thank you!

    Ambika: For us rain is a welcome change I’m sure it’s not that special in Seattle. Hang in there!

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